October Champions Week #1: Interchain Ecosystem

First quiz of deQuiz October Champions! Challenge yourself with questions about Interchain Ecosystem, score points and try to win all the prizes!

0) What term is used to describe the shared security model introduced by the Cosmos Hub to secure smaller chains?
1) In which city was the 2022 edition of the Cosmoverse conference held?
2) In which programming language are dApps developed on Agoric?
3) What is the memecoin of the Interchain ecosystem?
4) Who co-founded Cosmos?
5) Who made it trendy to create an "Intern" account on X (formerly Twitter)?
6) On which framework is the Binance Beacon Chain based?
7) Which derivatives trading dApp moved from Ethereum to create its own blockchain based on Cosmos-SDK?
8) Which was the first chain to adopt ICS (Interchain Security)?
9) Which well-known Cosmos figure used to tweet daily fun facts?