October Champions Week #3: Exploring Cosmos Blockchains

Third quiz of deQuiz October Champions! Test your knowledge by answering our quizzes and explore the unique blockchains within the Interchain, score points and try to win all the prizes!

0) On which chain did Mars Protocol implement its first outpost?
1) What innovation did Osmosis’ Smart Account introduce?
2) What is the function of "Superfluid Staking" on Osmosis?
3) What does the Remix Web IDE plugin on Injective allow?
4) What did Wormhole introduce on Injective?
5) To which chain has Mars Protocol migrated?
6) What is Neutron's primary function within the Cosmos ecosystem?
7) What is the top-selling NFT collection on Stargaze?
8) What can developers deploy on Celestia as easily as a smart contract?
9) As of October 15, 2024, which is the most capitalized blockchain in the Interchain ecosystem?