October Champions Week #4: Blockchain Conference

Third quiz of deQuiz October Champions! Test your knowledge by answering our quizzes and explore Blockchain Conference around the world, score points and try to win all the prizes!

0) In which city is Devcon usually held?
1) Which conference is organized by the CoinDesk team?
2) What new feature was introduced by the Osmosis team at Cosmoverse 2024 in Dubai?
3) Where was the first edition of Devcon (2015), Ethereum’s developer conference, held?
4) What was the name of the conference where El Salvador's president announced Bitcoin as legal tender?
5) What is the name of the hackathon organized during Cosmoverse 2024?
6) Which validator one of the key organizer of the Cosmoverse conference?
7) What is the name of the largest annual Solana conference?
8) Which conference is widely known for being a leading event in Latin America focused on blockchain?
9) Who is famous for showing up in creative outfits, such as a pirate during cosmoverse?