November Champions Week #3: From Genesis to Now: The Crypto Story

Third quiz of deQuiz November Champions! Test your knowledge by answering all quizzes and explore the Crypto Through the years from 2009 to Today , score points and try to win all the prizes!

0) Which cryptocurrency firm, along with Tron and TRM Labs, formed the T3 Financial Crime Unit in September 2024?
1) In November 2024, who was reported to present a three-minute pitch to Microsoft's board about investing in Bitcoin?
2) Which country proposed increasing the capital gains tax on cryptocurrencies from 26% to 42% starting in 2025?
3) In July 2024, the German government sold approximately 50,000 confiscated Bitcoins. At what average price per Bitcoin were they sold?
4) In September 2023, which social media platform integrated cryptocurrency tipping, allowing users to send Bitcoin to content creators?
5) In March 2024, Ethereum finalized its Shanghai Upgrade. What was the primary feature introduced in this upgrade?
6) What was the first cryptocurrency to implement a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism?
7) What is the first meme-based cryptocurrency to sponsor a NASCAR car?
8) What year did Bitcoin surpass the price of gold for the first time?
9) How many Satoshi make up 1 Bitcoin?